Saturday, March 15, 2008

Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont

Last evening I watched Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont, a great show that brought back memories of my youth.Joan Plowright, who portraits the wonderful Mrs. Palfrey, is an elegant grandmother in this consummate role of a widow retiring to the Hotel Claremont.

Not wanting to be a burden on her family, she displays independence at the same time longs for a relationship with her grandson. This grandmotherly role retrieves many memories from my youth as I had many Mrs Palfrey’s in my young life. However, this is not the first time Plowright has sparked my emotions, her 1993 role as the kind benevolent neighbour Mrs. Wilson, in Dennis the Menace I became aware of this talented women.

Plowrights stately character in Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont, reminded me of an old friend I had as a young boy.

My friend Tabby was that kind old grandmother type who knew how to keep a child busy and out of trouble. I spent much time visiting her doing odd jobs for her, then after the work was completed, being invited for tea and cookies or perhaps a coffee cake. The table set in a fashion for high tea was inviting. I would sit contently and listen to the tales of the past, challenging lives, stories of lives lived, war years and personal experiences. An informal history class, real stories. In an interesting light, Plowrights latest quest is “Brontë”, her Character name, “ Tabby”. I wonder...might here character by like my Tabby, time will tell... looking forward to her work.

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