Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It is Corn or Korn... Fall Harvest vs Music Madness

Fall harvest brings the flavour of sweet yellow and white kernels of peaches and cream corn on the cob to our kitchen tables. Needless to say, this is not one of my favorite foods. In general, corn only get’s past my lips when lots of melted butter is applied to the cob, creating flowing rivers of a euphoric substance which makes any healthy artery cringe. Once in a while, I enjoy picking the kernels off the cob, one by one, like entering digits on a keyboard. In general it’s not my food of choice.

There is another Corn out their, perhaps an imposter to this fall vegetable. This Korn, is a group of rockers, music makers (if one can call it that) they travel from city to city attracting a following who would rather listen to this "music" than a good symphony.

The definition of their music is definitely not in my dictionary, no thanks, not even one little “key note” of their “noise” would move me off my couch. Is this evolution or devolution of society? I’ll take fresh Corn any day over Korn!

The Smashing Pumpkins and Korn… what can I say about Fall Harvest! I will take fresh vegetables any day. I mean the ones you can eat!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Smashing Pumpkins

With fall equinox behind us, it’s time to start harvesting some of those pumpkins…Within the next few weeks we will see thousands of these gourd’s in stores across north America. On the morning of November 01, we will also see many smashed pumpkins along roadsides as young people exert their personal version of what to do after small children have completed their night of trick or treating. Well, today my experience will lead me The Smashing Pumpkins… a North American alternative rock band that formed in Chicago in 1988. Who knew that a gourd could turn into something that could potentially change the face of pumpkins forever… wish me luck…Smashing Pumpkins here I come.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fall Equinox

It's happening again, where did summer go... cooler nights prevail as we move into Fall Equinox that quietly crept through time last evening. The garden is starting its journey into its quiet winter sleep. We have a few weeks to go before many of the plants will stop flowering as the days will become colder and the Sun crosses the celestial equator moving southward...never mind, it will come again in the spring to warm the feet of the perennials inviting them to burst a presentation of flowers for another season gardening.