Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Please Don't Eat The Daisies

This picture of my garden was taken on July 31, 2007. This beautiful picture of lilies and daisies emulates the epitome of a gardeners delight. The picturesque life force and fragrance perfect the ultimate pathways to learning journey from here to eternity if you are able to take the time to close your eyes to let your mind wander and of course, if you have the opportunity to do so.
We all know first thing in the morning gardeners put on a fresh pot of coffee or tea then amble through their garden to see what presents Mother Nature will present us with that day.
But, in a far away city across the other side of the country there is another story…
Let’s just say, my gardener friend this year has had different experience…
Their lilies were progressing nicely and each morning my friend would examine the plump buds of these lilies that were mustering their energy gaining strength to bloom on that perfect day… however, one night, terror struck… some rascal bandits, (the local garden variety I’m told), made off with the plump buds of this vary same lily plant leaving only presents of chewed up buds on the picnic table. What kind soles the bandits were to leave little presents behind…

On the west coast I have a tried and true plan for my little bandit friends…at least it works here. You see, I have a pond in my front yard that I stock with feeder fish each spring. Yup, you guessed it, we feed the darn bandits with our fish in the pond…Yes… I actually stock my pond to feed these little fellers, after all, its cheap insurance and keep the bandits from eating my plants…This year we have four babies as well as both the parents we have to contend with.
I guess at the end of the day the trade of is…
I have my lilies, they have their fish…
Another journey well spent learning…
One request only…
Please don’t eat the daisies…


Candygirlflies said...

Want my fish? Trade ya!!

and ps. I THINK daisies are poisonous... I wonder if maybe you should pass them a little salt and pepper out the window...

Little feckers!!

Your lilies are beautiful, drat you.

Traveller said...

Did i mention that we have four babies this year...I watched them the other night in the cherry tree...All I can say is I need a bigger budget for fish next summer...